
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Planetary Healing

In response to Rob Hopkins recent post at

A "Planetary Healing" mantra is increasing in sound from all directions:  spiritual, political, economical, environmental, agricultural, etc. And we humans are backing up this sound vision with words and actions. Like a tree trunk sprouting branches with green leaves; like a brain sprouting new dentrites; like a spinal column activating chakras and endocrine glands; like trumpets sounding in Biblical story of Revelation. There is only one way this sound can travel: outward, upward, around and down in full Circle of Life.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dragon Lair

Radiating Sun, attracting Earth response
Union of Forces
Enter Cobra, Dragon shapeshifter
Unified Radiation
Raising Cone of Power
Creating Singing Bowl
Filled with Sonic Wave Frequency

The unfolding details of this enfoldment shall remain buried underground in Dragon lair. Dragon gems are not for human consumption or possession.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Cobra Awakens

The best way to participate in a cosmic event is not to consciously know it is happening. Then when one learns of the event via news in this realm one can understand more fully the significance of "what just happened?"

S/He Dragon participated in the Pleaidan Portal Opening, this day of May 17, 2014. (

Masculine energy reaching out igniting Feminine response
Cobra responds!
Kundalini uses Cobra to connect Heaven and Earth

Earth portal holds ascending and descending pathways
As Earthlings hold negative space in between rhythms
To let settle what needs to settle and to listen for ongoing instruction

Cobra seeks to strike, penetrate and awaken matter
Sacred work in progress

This symbol represents infinity and completeness. I have been on an inner journey discovering inner completeness. I am now experiencing that a man can give me a different sense of completeness. Yes, I have felt this "in the flesh" and find it remarkable. The feeling, both spiritual and physical, is a "settling in" and a being "at rest". All very intense...whew!

Portals and Cycles open....Earthlings respond and play their parts. An unfolding galactic story of cosmic proportion.

When God Was A Woman

Late morning dream:  I am on a machine moving on earth of this realm. Key is in ignition on the right, switching on and off easily. Going up a hill the machine starts to sputter and loses power. I look to see the cause. The gas tank in front is leaking and then it corrodes and falls apart. No gas, no power so I gather the thing up and back track.

Shifts in reality…and it’s all good!

S/He Dragon’s voice is strong. I listen every day for that which wants to express into this world. I am creating a web page and blog so S/He has more space for expression. Will also expand social media range. I am asking my community (people I see and speak with face to face, voice to voice) about a publisher attuned to Dragon. S/He is on a quantum path that opens up based on earthy response. My fiery self wants it all to happen NOW. Yet this world of matter takes time…and so it is.

Reading When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone. I will respond on Facebook, S/He Dragon page.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grounding Dreams

Grounding Dreams

6:15 am    
I am in an obstacle course lifting myself onto ledges and foundations using upper body strength. I leap, ledge to ledge, with balance and walk tight-rope paths. In the dream I am surprised at this because I cannot do this in “real” time. At the end is a doorway. I open it to bright daylight and know the road in front of me stretching left and right. (Amazing dream -- I am not lost!)

I am at the top of a tall square building. It is a laundry chute with white linens on every level. I want get to the bottom and know I can do this feat because of the previous dream. I choose to jump at the same time I sense/see the bottom as a soft landing of soft linens. I let go and free fall. I fall too fast and reach out to touch the shelving of linens. I slow down. I watch the process as I descend. I know the floor is fast approaching and the landing is soft. In front of me is that same door, pear shaped with handle at the left where stem would be. I open it to daylight and the same road stretches left and right. (Another amazing dream -- I am not lost!)

Thinking about the door and how to describe it I realized it is similar to half of the yin/yang symbol with door knob as eye.

Last Saturday I interpreted the “cloud” of energy associated with book publication as negative and processed my feelings and thoughts. This left me feeling at peace with whatever door opens today with Hay House. If one door doesn’t open there is another. I am agile and balanced, taking the next step!