
Friday, May 2, 2014

May Day's Veronica

As a child I picked bouquets of flowers, placed them at my grandmother’s door, knocked, and ran away. I did this for several neighbors. I didn’t know why I enjoyed expressing this kindness—I was unconscious back then. Now, I know that giving to others, for the pure pleasure of giving, is natural instinct.

Today, (Thursday) I was standing on the playground of my boys' school (boys I nanny). A 5-year-old girl, in a dress with pick and green circles, walks by and I comment on her pretty dress. A couple minutes later she runs in circles around me. She runs round and round and I feel woven in a spiral. I get the impression of May Pole but she says “snake is wrapping around you”—yes, her exact words!—and "you are the egg”! She informs me the egg cracks open for something to come out. She chats on and on about her imaginary world, especially a shipwreck. I say her gold sparkling shoes are like Alice in Wonderland. She says the gold is what makes the magic. I mention dragons and she tells me more stories. We talk about wings and I watch her dance and fly. She has short wings with bended elbows and long wings with arms extended. So precious! Her mom says she has a good imagination and will talk to anybody/everybody. I noticed her talking to others who ignored her. I find her delightful and felt honored that she would give me this May Day gift. Magic happens on May Day and today I was a recipient!


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