
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rattle Speaks

3:30 am, unable to sleep. An early Saturday begins. Last night I saw the books on my table by Marianne Williamson and Eldon Taylor. Down river, days ago, I was reading them to assist in letting go of food compulsions. Seeing the books made me realize how unfocused I am in this world and that I live in an ever moving current. Is this an intelligent way to be? I trust this current even in my dark hours. “Trust” is a word that works for me. “Faith” is different as I associate it with religion and dogma. This “relationship” with words is an energetic association.

What is my lesson regarding food issues? Will I ever get to the bottom of this issue? I’ve watched this food relationship flow as I’ve been thrown against shore after shore. This morning, wide awake, I thought about the sound of rattle and “got” that it can assist me in breaking old patterns. This is not any rattle, this a gourd rattle that I paint with symbols I hear and know.

I have had powerful dreams with rattle and its healing sound. I share these dreams in my S/He Dragon book. Now, it looks as if I need to use rattle in this world. I feel hesitant. Is it because it will bring attention to myself? What happens if I step into my power with rattle? Perhaps I will be criticized by Native Indians (some in my Facebook community) and painted “New Age” term because I am white. Rattle will make me accountable in this world because, as an external object, it does make noise and bring attention.

I used rattle this morning after I jumped out of bed. As I attuned (listened within) to my whole aura field my arm and hand responded rattling North, East, South, West, around one direction, then around the opposite direction. This was/is clearing/cleansing. I especially like the rattling “e-motion” above my head and at my Third Eye. It is a Spirit massage! I may not do this exactly the same way the next time. Why? Because I live in the moment and it is impossible for me to memorize how I did something in the past (another reason I am not a good student). I listen and respond from within as each moment is new. So, forget the rules, structures and protocols as I am never certain what is coming through next. And yet, Spirit might show a consisten pattern and design that I am to learn and teach. I learn this for myself and see where/how it resonates in this world.

Can I teach others this way of being and doing? Would it be chaotic if everyone was listening within and responding accordingly? What a cacophony of noise that would make! Or would it be sweet music with new currents of sound dispersing spells, curses, and stagnant patterns?

It’s now 4:30.  Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal - Clean Energy event went well at Bellevue College. Some of us will meet Governor Inslee on Tuesday at another local college as he announces his Energy Plan. I attended a Blessing Way gathering with women. We were told to bring something for the altar. I took the rattle I had purchased in Costa Rica. When it was my turn to share I rattled starting at the head/North circling around one way and then the other. One of the women told me this had an impact on her. The sound snapped her into her core body and the circular motions unified her left and right brain. She said that she wanted more. Such great feedback and validation! An artist friend has a daughter in the Midwest who grows gourds and makes rattles. I hope to purchase some!

I post a lot of shares on FB. One man commented that he didn’t know how we became friends but is glad that we did.  This positive feedback is so rare and so appreciated!

I am using the rattle..a lot...learning as I go. Rattle supports me.


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