
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spirit Has My Back

The dogs I walk like to run so we’ve been running together. Not so long ago I couldn’t run because my knee and hip were weak, injured. My body is no longer experiencing that. We are running a little further each week.

I was running in a dream this morning, from point A to point B, and lifted off the ground. Once elevated I started to fly circular patterns—backwards. It was thrilling. I watched the motion from inside my body. In one dream frame I thought I was landing as I consciously watched my body in relationship to motion. I moved circularly and my legs and feet were getting closer and closer, squaring up with the ground: “I am going to experience landing on my feet,” I thought. Instead I rose up into air again with more thrilling motions: forward, backward, sideways. This is ecstasy! I’d like to feed this sensation to people in place of synthetic drugs.

I hit a wall recently with a woman friend and teacher. I had been experiencing some dissonance but I never said anything in the moment. It all came to surface recently and I breathed fire. I am not a good student and don’t do well with external instruction. I am stubborn about listening within. There have been times when I came back around to listen again—in a new way—seeing that I had blind spots. In this process my friend saw in a new way as well. The result was healing for each of us and our relationship field. This worked out well because she did not react to my fire breathing but responded openly, honestly. My fire breathing has sent some people fleeing and they have never come back around—nor have I.

I had two dreams about Caroline Myss last Saturday. In one dream frame I reached out for her hand, small, delicate and cold. (I am a touching person, it’s one way my heart speaks. When I was chatting with Gregg Braden at his I Can Do It book signing, I touched his hand/forearm and he commented that I had cold hands.) Cold hands, warm heart? Caroline and I were teaming up on a project in the dream… I think I have mentioned this before: Caroline Myss was the first Hay House author I connected with telepathically at an event. Other connections with authors followed which is why I value this community and family.
We sang on our Nature Spirit Medicine call yesterday. My voice loves to reverberate and I sang two songs that I carry/that carry me. When this spirit moves (it’s as if it “has my back”) and I am not timid or self-conscious. I let it move!

I walk your sacred ground, healing waters I have found,
Rivers flowing strong and deep, wash away your tears
Mother I hear your cry, I feel your every sigh
I have come to comfort you, around the medicine wheel

Where I sit is holy, holy is the ground
Forest, mountain, river, listen to the sound
Great Spirit circle, all around me


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