
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sierra Club Outreach

I had been gifted the intention of song by Camilla and to my surprise that song came through as “Green Waters.” I did not forget that song because it kept singing me: “O way hay hay hay hay, O way hay hay hay hay, O way, O way, O way hay, hay, hay, hay.”

It was my turn to share on our Nature Spirit Medicine phone call and the song had moved in, filling my entire being. I let it sit at my throat, holding it. Then, when the moment presented itself, I belted out the song. This is not my timid, self-conscious voice that used to dominate; this is gutsy. Someone on the call said the song reminded her of Camilla’s Ancestor Song. I thought so too, but Camilla says it is different. If associated with Ancestors, for me, that means winged ones.

I volunteered at the Sierra Club's phone bank inviting folks to a Clean Energy Roadshow event. Sitting at the computer, using computerized Firecall, I recalled the phone banking we used to do when I worked at a peace and justice organization in Tacoma—without computer support. The first woman I talked to was anti-wind turbines and I got an ear full.  She used to be a mayor of a local city. So many opinions! I invited her to join us to add her views to the workshop.

Dusk settled in as I sat at the office desk overlooking Lake Union’s shimmering waters. Many large black birds roosted in two trees. Cormorants, here to roost another spring! I felt the energy of this pro-active organization behind me. I don’t have words to describe the sensation other than it was Large. Was I holding this energy at my wings? Maybe it was a chorus of angels singing praise for the work of the Sierra Club. 

I am aware that I am using my voice in new ways.


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