
Thursday, March 6, 2014


I turned on public TV to Wayne Dyer talking about divine love, telling a story about choosing to undo a pattern of less than loving behavior by taking direct action in the moment. It was similar to what I had been experiencing. 

I nanny two boys in Seattle and experience a new quality of love with this family—especially the mom. I intuitively know that I have been with them in previous lives. Those lives come through as medieval and Egyptian. When I say something or in a tone that doesn’t sit well (a subtle energetic vibe that I pick up) with the mother I tell myself to be more aware next time. It felt I was too fiery. So, I am working on harmonics. At one point it felt as if I was beating myself up because every time I turned around there was a new adjustment to make in my expression. I have concluded this is happening because I am more grounded in body and this realm. It’s that tip of triangle with less wiggle room.

Wayne talked about Divine Love expressing in the moment. This harmonic begins within. Watching myself more closely I am learning to listen and be still with less fire. The past two days the mother has been the one with fire in her expression. So, as my friend Camilla shared, maybe there is a reason for my fire…maybe it rubbed off on her. Yesterday the mom looked me in the eye and I saw a spark of light! In seeing this I realized I have not exchanged this Light, eye to eye, for some time. (Hopefully I wrote about it on my blog so I can remember. My brain is so non-linear.) This contact had a meaningful impact on my…soul.

This process of life and loving is alchemical! How do I create harmony? How do I express Truth, Love and Life? I continue to learn, now that I am out of dark chrysalis, dragon egg and unconscious cave. It seems there are no rigid rules. It seems there is give and take. I am fiery one day and settle down the next. She is the same. We are one chemical soup. Divine Love starts within—a resilient grid—so that Light can shine in harmony as one whole.

I found The Tao of Psychology on the bookshelf at my “nanny home.” The author, Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., talks about synchronicity. I find it amazing that, at this time in my life, I am mothering two young boys in a family I knew another time, another place. As I walked to the boys’ school yesterday, appreciating signs of spring, I thought what a “no brainer” job this is. It is a job of heart and soul nourishing me, as I nourish others. No doubt this job will change one day, but the “job description” will remain the same. 

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How about that acceptance speech from Cate Blanchett!
For so bravely and intelligently distributing the film and to the audiences who went to see it and perhaps those of us in the industry who are still foolishly clinging to the idea that female films with women at the center are niche experiences. They are not. Audiences want to see them and, in fact, they earn money. The world is round, people.

And how about the Wizard of Oz celebrating 75 years at the Oscars? 

Some themes are timeless and are included in S/He Dragon as Sacred Feminine and enchantment.


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