
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Climate Justice!

Thanks to Rick Turner's hospitality I spoke briefly at Meaningful Movies last night in Seattle.  It was their 11th anniversary and the room in the church was packed. I took Transition Free Press newspapers to share. This paper is proving to be a tool for networking. I am using it to reach out to previous Transition that I am somewhat out of my writing cave. I stood in front of the crowd and let spirit move through.  I spoke about Transition as part of my spiritual journey and how the newspaper is a light in a dark world. At the break a man came up  and asked how spirituality is connected to "all this". He wanted to know what religion I was.  When I told him I wasn't coming from any religious angle he asked if I was coming from "intuition".  He revealed he is a minister. I wasn't sure how my "spiritual" angle was settling with the audience.  At the end of the event Rick summarized our time together and used  the word "spiritual" so I saw that it moved full circle rather than being aborted as happened so often in the past.

75,000 people have signed a petition to do civil disobedience if the Keystone Pipeline is approved and more are signing!  The film Do the Math was enlightening. I learned a lot about some of Gaia's heroes: Bill McKibben, Van Jones, Michael Brune and about the issues. My left brain seems to be more grounded, present with new capacity!  Does that mean I fly with two wings now, rather than one?

As my writing shifts gears and winter turns to spring I am coming out of my cave.  I have several meetings with new and old friends this week regarding Transtion Woodinville.  It's time to reconnect and plow new ground.  Amazingly one woman from TW who was mad at me, wants to meet to pick up newspapers for her garden team and talk about TW and the Grange. Perhaps they want me involved again. I am very protective these days about my time and energy.

I'm not sure what my new work in the world will be.  This young girl's (pix) dad spoke at MM night about and she spoke as well.  Planting trees locally and globally is a project that resonates with me.  Perhaps it could be a unifying Transition Woodinville project.  I do know that I am currently networking with other groups to see if they want to bulk order TFP in May.  Perhaps I will support others rather than do the organizing.  I don't want to push. I want open space in which to breathe.  Today I am breathing as a netting of matter and energy.


  • At February 26, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Blogger CarmanQ said…

    Breathe, and then sing some more. Patterns are not only on the fabric but ARE the fabric of our lives. You have recently taken large strides forward in your own awakening. You are beautiful to watch. Thank you for being more and more of who you are. I am one of your many enthusiastic supporters, dragon lady.


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