
Monday, January 27, 2014

Up, Up and Away

Not sure where my brain-body is at times. I thought I was registered for I Can Do It but the form I printed was not complete. If it wasn't for my friend Margret-Ann, who called from Chicago last night, I would not have realized this. Why do I not check details? She also reminded me that my book doesn't need to be complete by April--just the proposal. And I've been busting my...halo...trying to get my book written! What am I thinking? Am I even thinking? The good news is I am now registered for San Jose and my book is written. As my editor suggested I will put my book away for a few weeks and then pick it up and make revisions. I am ready for a rest!  Now instead of writing every spare hour I can wash my car, garden, putter, read! 

I had a new experience the other day. I was standing in my kitchen considering the evolution of my relationship with food when I saw/sensed an energy grid moving out horizontally in front of me at location of "equator." 

My body wants new foods...cucumber and salad for breakfast and not french toast, that came into consciousness yesterday. I am now sensitive to the "substance" in foods. I keep experiencing a burning,tingling sensation at my upper back--wing chakra. I thought of it as inflammation but this is happening no matter what food I ingest. Not sure what is transpiring with my body. More the wind. I love the winds of Spirit.


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