
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fire Breathing

The other night as I was trying to sleep I felt interference in my energy field. I responded by demanding that this two-legged man leave and proceeded to eject him. That led to a lot of vibrational commotion and a headache. It was as if the commotion was coming in from more than one source. I spontaneously started to unwrap pink moist cords—same ones I’ve unwrapped before. I put my hands under and around them and pulled, pulled, pulled at the speed of light tossing them into the loving universe These cords are umbilical perhaps attached to some “dark over soul” body or maybe it’s “dark under soul” body. These words presented themselves so I let it be without linear research.

Being accountable for the food I eat looks like 11 – a goal post, also reminding me of bumpers on recent bowling lanes.  I need boundaries to keep emotional eating in check. I am really enjoying mindful eating and am feeling that state of dominion.  Some force of resistance doesn’t like “dominion” and fights against it. I continue in this drama and watch it from lens of Light which is for-giving.

I am finishing writing my book. The introduction changed several times. I just didn’t know how to present myself or my story. Yesterday at my nanny job I saw Eckhart Tolle’s book Now and read the introduction. It was straightforward and helped me write a new introduction. Thank you, Eckhart!  It’s amazing how “heavy” my writing was when I started…and intellectual. I have learned how to lighten up my writing and am continuing to learn. It’s an amazing process!

Robin Alexis is Live on Mystic Radio, Sunday, tomorrow at Noon. I am simply drawn to this healing and will l earn more what this means tomorrow. Thank you, Robin and Bob!


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