
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Light Body of S/He

The book I write started with the theme The Language of the Sacred Feminine.  Then She met He and the theme changed to S/He Dragon / The Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine.  The other day I asked about Dragon. There he was right beside me.  I reached my hand out to touch his neck, face and then I was on his spine flying. From this I "got" that this Being and I are One and that S/He is my Light Body! So now the book theme is just that.  What a never ending story is this book I write...or, rather, this book that writes me.

So glad to be working with an editor. I am learning so much!  It's an investment to be writing this investment in S/He!

I am also investing in Transition Free Press that is a newspaper printed in the UK and full of solutions and ways to be resilient at a local level. I am going to distribute copies to local sustainable groups.  It's a way to generate energy through Transition Woodinville. It's another activity without borders/boundaries.  People can learn to stretch from local to global with TPF.


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