
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Music of the Spheres

I look on my shelves and see canned pears and dried apples from local trees, jars of garden herbs for tea  and a bucket full of acorn squash from the garden. This harvest generates an inner contentment that draws a line from garden to me to earth to sun. My elemental garden feeds me in a sacred geometric pattern. Gardening feeds Soul--my Soul and the Soul of the cosmos.

My inner space has been quiet. There used to be a lot of inner commotion in my brain and different body parts as well as journeys into mystical realms and dreamtime (recorded in this blog). Now, my inner space is quiet. It's as if my parts are put back together--re-membered!

I was thinking about Dragon a few days ago and noticing that he had been absent for some time.  And then at my boys' (the ones I care for) school I looked at the trees and shrubs noticing their individuality and then my awareness shifted to the whole (what I call negative space) that contains these parts...and there S/He was!  Dragon!

I asked my editor if I could send her my manuscript before it was complete as I want some feedback to know what adjustments I need to make.  She agreed.  As I was reviewing and double spacing my chapters I got the sense that something was missing.  I had been working with the parts and now I was tuning in to the whole that was informing me that I needed to listen to the tone and make it consistent through each chapter. As a result I rewrote one chapter and am adjusting others.

This shift of awareness came after hours and hours and hours of writing. Yes, I've been writing morning and night for days and days. Work is love made visible...and love is held in the parts and the whole. Writing is a labor of love.


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