
Friday, October 11, 2013

Dragon Salutation

 I am going in and out of "gutsiness."  I wrote the previous post as Life Force moved through me.  Hours later I was feeling flat and wondered why I wrote it. The feeling was of insecurity.   Yesterday when I awoke that force moved me to post on FBook that I was birthing a S/He Dragon.  Again, hours later I was flat with mental mind wondering why. These are my contractions of dark and light/matter and energy. They feel like swirling vortexes--the effects of Kundalini Dragon moving through my matter and my Dragon moving out into this world.

The "exercise" that came through inspiring me to write about Circle of Life in relationship to Hay House, I Can Do It, Vancouver and a Native Indian component is an actual body movement. This morning I got, as I asked the question, that it is a Dragon Salutation.

My host here in Santa Rosa assisted me with Circle of Life ~ Transition Gaia workshop in Woodinville.  After meeting Rob Hopkins last night and Transition US staff I am feeling that I will be doing more of these workshops that encourage participants to shift brainwaves, be receptive to images from the four directions of their lives and create a mandala map of their life. This relates to Inner Transition.

I am reaching out in this dimension of matter for ways to "plug in" this new life force moving through me. I see a S/He Dragon blog and FB page. I have several friends who are interested in participating and I hope to attract more metaphysical voices/faces.

I have several mid-wives to thank for being present the past few weeks in this birthing process:
Caroline Myss, Reid Tracy and the energies he represents, Camilla Blossom, Margret-Anne Cummings (new Chicago friend), Steve Gomes, Paul Quistgard, Rob Hopkins and now Jean Houston. The names remind me of a constellation and thus Draco.

Jean Houston's event The Next Great Step is the next phase of delivery.

I am not attached to any outcome. I write in the moment as energy moves through me.  According to response I make adjustments. Something new is being born and its evolution will be evident through being gutsy. How else could a S/He Dragon be born on Earth at this time in Gaia evolution?


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