
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dark and Light

Caroline Myss’ Reflections class on Energy Healing was groundbreaking mentally which was and still is stimulating! Her words gave me much to digest and I found myself drilling down into new territory of thinking (+) and sensing (-). I begin to see three forces at work: Light, Energy (+/-) and Matter. I’m not a scientist or a quantum physicist but I am Feminine and Masculine and know how these forces move me as one whole.
Light is pure and Divine. Dark is Light’s shadow due to the presence of matter. Matter is the medium for both Light and Dark.
Energy is composed of electrical currents (+/-). Matter is either receptive and porous or blocked to these forces. Matter lives in Light and e-motional connection or dies in stagnation due to the blockage of Light. Matter learns to hold a balanced charge that is inclusive of both parts.
Dark is opposite of Light just as negative charge is opposite of positive charge. How do these opposites work with each other rather than against each other?  I begin to see darkness and negativity as providing a boundary.  We know it when we feel it, see it. And as Caroline talks about it in her Laws of Concscience it is inherently natural that we know the difference.
As I look at my life and the Dark forces I deal with internally and in my environment I see that they inspire Light forces to connect, align and merge. Dark forces call forth white blood cells in the body to heal the parts and the whole. Dark forces, by their very presence, inspires us to use our intelligence to create balance and wellness. So instead of seeing darkness as the enemy and something I/we need to eradicate we can see darkness as a signal or sound that informs us when there is imbalance. Darkness or dis-ease teaches us to stay on a healing and peaceful path. The parts communicate “dis-ease” or “toxic” and the whole body comes to the rescue.
I see this playing out on the world stage as Obama is able to deliver new intelligence and new language because there is new stimulation and vision in the parts. We are quick to notice and cease the opportunity to move forward into Light so that balance can be found with Dark matter, in Dark matter.


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