
Friday, September 20, 2013

Dragon Speak

I woke up a couple of mornings ago with creation threads for a children's book:  Dragon Quest with the plot of discovering Dragon Gems as chakras and with each opening and activation Dragon wings begin to grow.  I think I might be better at writing children's books since I don't like's that right feminine brain overview of the whole I am thinking.

Spending time with men (I am calling it dating) is giving me the opportunity to learn to communicate with them.  Conflicts are challenging but I am listening for the right way to say things as well as the right timing. I told one man some comments felt controlling.  He admitted he can be that way and apologized. I need to tell another man that he gets too close to my personal space as if he is not even aware that I have a "bubble" or aura around me that requires communication. I continue to ask for seeds of friendship and spiritual substance.

I started my new job and the boys are very well behaved with me.  They say, "Trish, can I play soccer."  "Trish, can I go to my friend's house."  I love hearing them call my name.  My kids call me mom and my grandkids call me g-ma.  For some reason hearing them call my name feels heart-warming.  The challenge with my job is the commute and I consider taking the bus which I have to look into.  One advantage, however, is spending time in Seattle where I can connect with friends and maybe attend some transition/sustainable meetings to avoid the rush hour traffic.  I am grateful to have revenue flow coming in!

I was hoping to participate in Caroline Myss's online event this week but there have been complications.  I spent time with Jean Houston this year and perhaps I will be able to spend time with Caroline in 2014. If I cannot join her "live" via the internet I will fly to be "live" with her.  I want to participate in her sessions on "healing."  At least that's where I am now.  So much changes so fast...and yet some things never change but shape shift in evolution.

Moon Circle tonight with EagleSong if I have enough time and energy after work and Nature Spirit Medicine circle tomorrow near Portland.  The pace of my life is picking up just when I was learning to be more still.  The effect of this is that my mind has to be more sharp and I have to be more efficient/organized.  I will see what I learn in this new cycle.

It's a breakthrough when I wake up and want steamed green beans from the garden as well as New York Goodwiches from Fit for Life cook book:  corn tortilla, mayo, bbq onions, avacado slice, dill pickle slice, shredded raw vegies (pepper, red cabbage, shredded raw greens). Healthy foods are high in volume (tone) these days and treats are secondary!

Camilla offered a meditation about ancestors recently on our phone call.  Everything she said about indigenous peoples of the earth I bridged with Dragon.  Dragon is my ancestor!  And that has to do with the marriage of energy and matter and that "split" that happened shapeshifting all life.

My heart is full of love this moment and I send it out in (I listen and watch for ways to express this) spiraling threads of golden light.  May Planet Earth be healed today...inch by inch, row by row, bless these seeds we sow. 



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