
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Eyes of Seeing

There is a breakthrough and we are negotiating! Compulsive Behavior has come to the table with Reasoning. Listen in on their new dialogue:
CB:  “I want ice cream: coffee lovers, hold the caramel, add roasted almonds.”
R: “You had ice cream four days ago.  Wait a couple days.”
CB: “Okay, I can do that.”

CB:  Late at night:  “I want to munch mindlessly.”
R: “Look at what you are doing. Choose a healthy snack.”
CB:  “Yes, I agree.”

What is this new language?  Where did it come from? It’s as if Compulsive Behavior started to have some “wiggle room.” What is the “force” that loosened this stuck character?
I give credit to the grid of light that increases on earth. A grid that includes super-unconscious, unconscious (underworld), sub-conscious (middle world), conscious (upper world), super conscious.  I see this as a circle with the “supers” tying all the parts together.
Compulsive Behavior and Reasoning have more ground and light in which to dialogue and this is a breakthrough in my story/our story/Gaia’s story. Gratitude!
We are the ones to spread this good news.  We are the ones to uphold true heroes and heroines rather than the thugs that media anchors gleefully report as if it was entertainment. We set a different tone within ourselves and in the world around us.
I have a new smart phone and when I text I am noticing a pattern. I vacate! I do not see the keys and thus I make a lot of spelling errors. When I focus my eyes and take the time to look and SEE (ground) I don’t make errors. This is telling me that I am not in my body and it is teaching me to do so.
My physical eyes are needed in being grounded. My spiritual eye and way of seeing can make room for my physical eyes. I think that this new “seeing” is another breakthrough.


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