
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Spinning Webs

Been finding large spiders in my sinks lately.  I gently transport them outside.

Are frazzled nerves the result of a natural creative cycle or the result of burn out.  I'm not sure but when I found myself not able to cope and crying easily I knew it wasn't PMS!  I took two days and went into my crysalis...I love solitude and sometimes have to get to a low point before I create this.  I am flying again today.

Been star watching.  Last night I slept on a friend's deck to watch the Perseid Showers but by 3 am there were too many clouds.  In the middle of the night I saw the shadow of fir tree to the North and "got" the impression to make an offering.  This, along with asking permission, is something Camilla is talking with us about in her Nature Spirit Medicine Apprenticeship Course.  The hillside I was sleeping on had been clear cut years ago for the housing develoment that was now part of my life.  I am preparing to take my "potion" of rose petals, lavendar, russian sage, cornmeal to make an offering.  Tobacco has always been to "heavy" for me to use this way.

I am dating!  Yep, three men are reaching out and I am responding.  I am enjoying the friendships and notice that I do not want any of them to get attached. One of them I met dancing and he wanted to dance with me most of the night.  So, somehow I have to tell him that I want to dance with several partners.  Another texted me at 11 pm inviting me over to his place.  I was shocked but at least I know what his interest is. Doubt I will spend much time with him.  This is definitely a new cycle for me and I feel really clear about it all.  Ahh. the webs we weave.


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