
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mullein Does More Than Speak

Found myself on Hay House website yesterday listening to Davidji and then later Caroline Myss’ online Health session though I could only listen to half of it because the library closed. I have limited time on the computer and it’s draining after two hours.  Also on line with Jean Houston’s office and planning trip in October. And while on Hay House radio I heard voices of Michael Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Deepak and others. Hay House feels like family.
It’s after midnight and I tried to get to sleep but I had an Alice in Wonderland event.  My head felt squished in the shape of an oblong tube. I looked at it, felt it and got no information or other sensation.  I called on my white light resources because something felt stuck.
Then I went into conflict mode realizing that I am not spending time on my apprenticeship homework. I am spending more time on Hay House wanting to build those relationships. I was conflicted as to how I was going to find time to build all those relationships. I haven’t even finished listening to the world summit interviews.  Stress!
Then I started to ask myself why I was so resistant to doing the work that is my gift:  Relating to plants and Nature. Somewhere through all this processing I got it! The Mullein plant from my garden which was going to be put on an altar was still laying horizontally outside my door.  Yes, the stalks are very tube like.  I laughed and got it! So I retrieved Mullein and put it next to my bed. I still could not sleep so I reached over and touched Mullein. I had no idea its leaves were velvety! Very emotional for me because I love plants so very much.  I then put it in an upright position next to fairy, lavender and white pine scented candles. S/he was happy and sent out teeny tiny sparks of light…like fairy dust.                                  
And that’s what Mulliein had to do to get my attention….didn’t hit me over the head…squished my head!!!
I’m supposed to be doing something different.  Not be so heavy and human like but more light and fairy like and in that BE with plants and listen the way Camilla is teaching us.  I am in human busyness mode and off balance. And this new homework is….I am feeling resistant….I am to meditate with plants and meditate to be quiet?  Wow, am I ever resistant!  I like being busy and getting things done. Sitting and listening is not in my bones….yet! I’ve been receiving juicy inspiration while on the move now I have to sit and sit? This resistance is not just my own…it is larger than me.
I think the resistance has to do with brain wave/frequency. There is a shift to make and these days I am noticing what that is: stop multitasking.
My client dismissed me because he is much healthier now and didn’t feel he needed me. He doesn’t cook for himself so I took him some chili and noticed an empty fridge. If he doesn’t eat well he is going to take a nose dive.  I am going to a new job and will nanny in Seattle.  Doing less cooking and housekeeping will be a good break for my hand/arm and in the winter when the garden is tucked in my hand will get even more rest. It is now feeling like the carpul tunnel issue I had years ago. I also need to stop being at the computer as frequently.  That is difficult because I am driven to share how spirit is moving, teaching and evolving me via my blog.  Maybe I need to have a schedule….ugh! Looks like I am resisting that male energy and yet I love being organized and tidy.  So much to learn and my wings are guiding me. Definitely a learning curve on new ground.  Hallelujah!!  Deep breath.
Want to thank Jean Houston for being receptive to reading a draft of my book to determine if she would write an introduction. My book is not at all scholarly nor detailed. I have no idea how others will respond to my child-like ways of communicating and then there are parts that I think might be too abstract.
BTW angel wings are associated with throat chakra which is all about honesty and regarding her house and its many levels. Wing chakra assists us in this ego-less flight. And yet I have an ego and it likes to multitask!
There is part of my brain that is frozen. It’s the part that remembers detail and it’s very inconvenient in this linear world.  I am going to start writing notes and signs to help me remember…especially to turn off the water in my garden.  I cannot contribute to a lot of conversations because I cannot remember facts. Stress! I am seeing this and aware I need to shift energy around this.  So much is becoming visible right now.
So, I lay out my stress honestly to see what I “get to” adjust.  Another deep breath. I can do this…whatever this is because I have divine guidance/we all have divine guidance.  Oh, I just got it…it’s all these relationships that are opening that is creating this new field of insight and growth. So good for us! Energy comes in around my head….spirit world shines….yes good for spirit and matter…in unity. Now, that is a brain wave/frequency that I mentioned in my Wing chapter:  Theta.


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