
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Arrows, Get Thee Hence

Get thee hence, Satan!
I woke up with an arrow in my throat.  I calmly removed it, called in my friends of White Light and sent it back to its source.  Who, in this realm, wants to silence me?  Who in other realms wants the same? I didn’t feel this one come in so perhaps it was sent in the darkness of sleep, the time most dark sorcerers and wizards play their tricks.
Tracker/hacker/stalker harassment escalated recently after I put up a large piece of cardboard to block my East window. It’s near the desk where I sit to write and along a row of greenery good for camouflage.  I got tired of feeling that someone was sneakily peaking at me.  His escaladed response confirms my suspicions.
Tracker/hacker/stalker shoots arrows at me.  They are also called cords.  He attacks the groin and lowest chakras. I felt them right after Medicine Man Frank removed them.  Tracker arrows are full of poisons and the toxins of one chord made me think of all the rapes that have taken place on this planet.  It made me sick to my stomach.  And so I transmute the energy; I respond in Light; I act as intercessor.
Tracker has hacked into my computer at the library and they have now beefed up their security system so that it is no longer crashing. I had reported Hacker to the tech department and they finally made some changes.  The latest is that Hacker has messed with my FB page but with patience I can still read and post.  He is also on my new phone.  He may toy with me and interfere in my personal life but he will never stop me from speaking Truth and shining Light.  If this is my test I am scoring high! Yes, it has taken years to get to this place of transparency and that’s how it is with all things that evolve. Time = Awareness.
I have these opportunities to transcend this lower realm and respond to darkness with light. I used to feel suffocated.  Oh yeah, he also likes to strike at the throat which gives me more opportunity to learn mind over matter. With protectors in this realm and other realms I feel liberated. I will not learn his dark tricks. I will not fight darkness with darkness.  My path is White Light and it will prevail in setting a new state of balance with Dark Shadow.  That balance and that relationship is within oneself and not with any other person.  Such an illusion is this brainwashing on this planet…that another person or anything external is going to make one whole, powerful.
If Tracker was put in prison for all his criminal acts he would still have the psychic field to use. Tracker/hacker/stalker has to stop his poisonous attacks himself.  He has to evolve out of darkness and raise his vibration by opening his heart.  Can he?  Will he?  His resistance always makes me wonder who is pulling is strings.
Something else on my mind and I am holding back nothing right now. I am not the victim. I am the powerful one.  Why?  Because Tracker and his cohorts chase me; follow me.  They want my life force, my essence.  They are the fools because they too are divine and sacred.  
So away I go now to see my friend Andreas sculpting at Sandblast and to a concert with friends and musicians Narayan and Janet.  Life goes on and I am living every moment fully. Let the arrows fly--they cannot penetrate my Love and Light. They cannot disturb this field that I am. As is true for me so is it for Gaia.
Get thee hence, Satan.


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