
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Love Releases and Protects

I am unplugging from past patterns of behavior re food and being over active, relationships and maybe even the land I live on. It feels like an ascension of some sort.  I have been feeling light and airy....again as if I am on vacation. I am cocooning.

The other night I was thinking about my youngest granddaughter and my right hand reached out to touch her face. So, I got it!  This is the way my wings express love.

I was talking to friend Camilla on the phone and we kept getting cut off.  I told her about hacker. She then got an incoming call from a friend who is a Lakota Medicine Man in Wyoming and commented on the "coincidence." She suggested I work with him regarding protection and release of Tracker/Hacker. We did that ceremony yesterday on an hour long phone call as I was sitting in a green field facing Cedar Tree. It was powerful and I learned how to protect myself rather than be a victim to energetic intrusion. He had a lot to say about H/T and it is a huge relief to have this validation that I am not making up some story.

I talked with this man, Frank, again today and asked about ley lines.  He works with energy lines and says Ti’Swaq’ (Mt Rainier its previous name) is a portal through which space craft come and go.  He works with aliens in a very selective way. I am very grateful to be drawing new people into my life that speak my language and share my energetic work.  He laughed when I told him I wasn't a "people person" and said I sounded just like a friend of his who is working to protect the waters of New York. My "cold-bloodedness" is more common than I knew.  I am thinking about this because a friend told me today that I cut people off quickly. I told her I was cold blooded and reptilian. What else can I say? (I asked Frank if I could share some of our ceremony and he said he has no secrets.)

Listened to Wayne Dyer on Oprah's SoulSunday and really enjoyed the relaxing interchange.  He is so loving...unconditionally.  My path seems so different and yet I am a loving person. Maybe I work with love differently.  I am always astounded how people can remember poems and quotes...a left brain gift that Wayne holds.  Also heard Caroline Myss and it was fun to see/hear her in interviews over the years. I love these two people!


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