
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Meridian Lines

I am reading old blogs to see if there are any "gems" to include in my book.  I can't believe I wrote so much about my job in tedious!  I'm wondering if I should focus on the other-worldy/Sacred Feminine information/inspiration that comes through and not write so much about my personal drama.  I'll see how that goes. I love writing and if my arm/hand allowed I could write all day and night but that is not at all balanced.

The fairies I saw above my new smart phone were teeny tiny, white with wings. They are sparks of light intelligence. I begin to know their ongoing presence as tranquil peace and well being. Whenever I get stressed mentally, emotionally or physically they now speak to me. It is a comforting relationship that helps me out of ego responses.
Driving through Fife the other day I got the impression of underground networking spreading outward into the Puyallup Valley and beyond. I thought about our sacred mountain and wondered what the grid lines would do if they went that far. So I tracked them and they didn't go past the mountain but ended there being absorbed into the mountain. Makes me wonder about the portal power of our mountains and their mastery of ley lines.
I do want to mention a couple of personal breakthroughs.  I am now able to bypass sugar and flour products and having victory after victory.  Physically I am wanting healthier food and emotionally I am not in a panic about letting go of the compulsions and the empty foods.  It's been a long I keep reading about on my past blogs.  Addictions are obstinant animals!
My right thumb is still sore and even more so. I am doing less and the relaxation feels like vacation. I saw in my chinese medicine book that the right thumb is associated with the lung meridian. This reminds me of the new chakra that is activated and the tree being that took my breath away. I am doing the Meridian Meditation along my "wing" lines of middle back, shoulder, arms, hands and thumb, fingers.  And a man with MS was talking with me about finger massage and how at one time saw rays of light emitting from his fingers.  And that reminds me of that pine tree with energy sparks moving upward from end of branches creating silver threads that were carried in the wind.  Interesting how it all weaves together like the underground web I saw in Fife.
My friend Camilla Blossom with Spirit Nature Medicine refers to herself as an alchemist. I love the way she has created a container for herself and her business. (I just deleted a sentence because it was not in the moment and this is the "Fairy intelligence" that comes in more frequently now. Seems associated with masculine logic.)  I am starting her year long apprenticeship program and eager to learn from her.  We will do a flower walk on another mountain this weekend.
All of which brings "space ship" to the forefront.  The sparking intelligence of fairy has something to do with space ship intelligence. And all this intelligence is associated with mountains. How it all weaves is being unravelled as it is being woven.


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