
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thank You, Gregg Braden

I appreciate the Hay House interview with Gregg Braden highlighting his book Deep Truth. I always learn so much from him and he always acknowledges something about the Sacred Feminine which makes me happy. Gregg is a weaver of science and wisdom and I appreciate his art. He mentioned that science makes false assumptions. Quite a bold statement from an earth scientist. During the interview Gregg spoke about cooperation and mutual aid as the law of nature. How did we humans get so far from this "deep truth"?  I am getting that it's best not to dwell on that but to keep moving forward in Light of Love. This supports Gregg's comments about a new world emerging and that there is no judgement; it's a learning curve and we are now ready for new information. Gregg has a gentle heart and intelligent mind...a good mix for a Gaian teacher.

I was watching Nova on TV and a program called Earth from Space. I heard and saw how the spin of Earth’s core creates a strong electromagnetic field and how this is the first line of defense against the radiation of the sun. For something to spin does it not need a positive and negative charge for it to be alive and moving? In my simple way of seeing things I see that the negative charge has been weak and missing in action. This has to be activated in personal and collective expression which is not talking about it but accessing it and releasing it from one's core of Being.
The show featured dynamic images of how the electromagnetic field reshaped in response to intense waves of solar "weather." I thought it was a perfect picture of resilience. I learned there is a second line of defense one of the effects of which can be seen in the aurora borealis. The image reminds me of the whispy energy I have been feeling lately...other worldly. The show also showed clearly how the human footprint is affecting both levels of defense.
I am thinking about the spin of my personal core and my electromagnetic field. What causes spin and what is it? I think about e-motion—energy in motion and the voice and force of the Sacred Feminine. It’s time to go deeper into the core of awareness and expression so that we can support Earth’s spin and electromagnetic field that is changing so dramatically. As much is disintegrating much is also integrating. It’s up to the conscious body to hold a specific pattern of energy. What is that pattern? It takes many voices to answer that question. And what do all our voices look like?  The aurora borealis?



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