Elemental E-motion

What did I do with the attraction that built up two weekends ago with that man at his concert in his home? I planted a kiss on his cheek. The room, his long hair and shirt were black and when I dove into his cheek it felt like I was falling into darkness reminding me later of the time I skydived and let go from the wing strut into air. (The hanging on in the strong wind current was not easy; the letting go was.) I noticed the energetic kiss dissipated core/emotional pressure. It is similar to to the emotional touch I planted on another man’s cheek a couple of months ago. Kissing and touching is love in expression…such is my nature.
What is the pattern of this emotional expression? It is much like a tornado touching ground, a volcano erupting, earth quaking and water rising. Does e-motion leave a path of destruction or a path of construction? Human emotional expression definitely brings change in the same way nature’s elemental e-motion does. I suspect the heat of the planet and the heat of human temperaments is the sum of repressed and suppressed (not sure the difference) emotion. When energy is allowed to move the elementals and elements are balanced and happy. I also suspect that in this loving universe the human species will evolve out of lowest chakras and learn expanded ways of relating and loving. I see this way because this is my experience...it is not a concept or theory.
I purchased my first smart phone. At first it was like a wild horse that I didn’t know how to manage. Phone calls went out that I didn’t intend. How did doing this produce that? I do like this phone because I can access FB at anytime and it has GPS. I am enjoying responding to Deepak’s posts again as well as posts of Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, David Ji, Jean Houston, etc. I like being part of that circuitry and having input. I appreciate the way Hay House is supporting so many authors because it supports the “good news” of healing and happiness. It’s good to see this community grow. I do want to see more about healing Mother Earth/Gaia. Inner healing naturally leads to planetary healing and it is time for that bridge and that flow!
I am experiencing blasts from the past: Blasts of childhood memories when I played outside all day and came home to a yummy meal; blasts of childhood memories when I smelled the wind and soaked up the sun all day long. The blasts are “floating” or lifting sensations reminding me of that new “red” energy. They are also like wispy white clouds reminding me of ghost substance. There is something ethereal yet substantial about these currents.
Rob Hopkins is visiting the US this fall and we hope to bring him to Salish Sea. I so value the work of Transition even though my local group is not active and relationships have changed.
I continue to write daily letting the Language of the Sacred Feminine guide me. S/he, who is the earth under my feet, S/he, who is the wind whispering caressingly. This earth/air cycle is new…as all things are made new because of loving relationships in all dimensions past, present and future = now!
It is good; it is Goddess; it is God. Gratitude. And that's the Truth no matter what my emotional or mental state. Gaia knows this well.
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