
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Teleportation, Why Not?

This world is an illusion...but the illusion is not matter/earth.  The illusion is consciousness that revolves around external identity. Illusion of ego.

Now that I am not organizing community, managing a large garden and attending many meetings I'm feeling quite content, peaceful as if I am a child again. Only now I am
a spiritual child who is conscious of being in the world but not of it. I am remembering moments in childhood when I did sense the peace of transcendence.

I am in a responsive mode.  I give and then watch, listen to see what comes back around.  It's an expanded loop because I am not so busy. It is an expanded loop
holding more negative space.  This word "negative" does not mean toxic.  It means Sacred Feminine negative...deep receptivity.  This dark absorbing aspect of the energy
spectrum has gotten distorted because it has been missing in action on earth.

Consciousness is shifting, rising up into new identity and action of feminine Being rather than masculine Achieving.  Being is another passageway and grid system that is
in balance with Achieving. My greatest achievement is knowing my core identity, its depth of peace and its point in space/time that is not intellectual knowing but deep Knowing from within. Such is Being with Achieving.

I have many friends who are not egos in human bodies.  These friends are spiritual and my flight companions whom I meet in dreamtime of parallel "universes."  Is not a universe a state of consciousness?

An achievement worth learning and doing is teleportation.  Why not?  We do it in our dreams.  How about creating some teleportation stations (an image comes in)
that look like triangles. Such stations would signify a shift in consciousness and a fluidity of new reality that is merged realities (an image comes in) of the diamond back pattern--one triangle after another. Each triangle holds Sacred Feminine Darkness and Sacred Masculine Lightness. Where is the circle?  It is around the triangle is the answer. Round circle feminine; straight lines masculine.  I witness… it makes sense to me!

I go into this day at 7:30 am greeting an expansive universe that supports Earth that I Am and Earth that is under my feet. I Am feels round; Earth feels like a solid line.


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