
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thank You, Dr. Jean Houston

I was on a Salon group call with Jean Houston last Tuesday and at one point when conversation was bouncing back and forth my mind went blank.  This "wash out" happens occasionally.  I mentioned this at the end of the call and when I asked Jean how do I function when this happens she told me to inform those around me that I am in my deep inner place. 

Her words brought up a huge wave of emotion and I teared up. I said the emotion felt like sadness...that I felt like I didn't fit in.  She then used that thundering voice of authority--like wild stallions running--to tell me that is an old self talking and to give her a funeral!  She then hummed a funeral tune! 

I think I then interrupted her (I tend to override people when emotion is welling up and my logic gets lost) saying that she is giving me "permission" again...for the second time. This is the unique gift of Jean Houston in my life...she is like a mid-wife encouraging me to keep cracking open my cocoon.  Thank you to this powerfully wise-woman!


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