Thank you, Robert & Liz / Puyallup Tribe of Indians

I wondered why certain people were coming up in consciousness and got that certain people are my "coordinates" like points in a diamond grid system/network. I don't analyze that word...I am more than beta brainwave.
When the Drummers were Women is a book that fell to the floor and opened to the chapter on Sacred Sound! I guess I got that message! I want to post the entire is so profound and timely for me. But I get drained sitting at the computer so will do that another day.
I woke up and instantly thought about drumming. Was it an image or a thought....are the two separate? The top of my head did that shift as usual...and I was in the midst of radiant beams. I'm noting that the beams are triangular...moving out from one point. "Let love radiate without concern for results" came through...a mantra of many years. Currently that means being in the moment...and that is causing me to change some old behavior patterns within myself, with another and with others.
I saw that diamond pattern at the sight of the Boston Marathon tragedy. It is/was
a machine (a lift?) or some structure. What is that "sacred geometry" telling us at such a critical juncture? It tells us that it is not too late to heal. That those who are not shining love and light (to any degree of heart openness) are part of the terror. Each one is responsible for love or fear in our outer world. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me".... thank you Unity Church!
I learned the actual cost of that Alaskan! How do people afford such things? I do not accumulate debt and live very modestly. My trip to spend time with Dr. Jean Houston was a major splurge. I continue to be pulled wanting to spend time here and there with this person and that. And on the other hand I want to do nothing but garden. Two different ways of being. I think I need to slow down and let all this acceleration settle. I have an incredible B.C. weekend with lots of faces, voices and rays of light. Maybe after the weekend this posting will slow down as well. Whew!
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