Energy + Matter = By-Products of Words and Actions
On the recent Transition teleseminar with Rob Hopkins I commented about the global brain and asked Rob if he thought Transition was contributing to a new intelligence. He responded that Paul Hawken sees Transition as the Earth's "immune system' kicking into action. He didn't think of it as the global brain.
The other day I experienced a competitive game and saw how unnatural it feels when someone wins and another one loses. And then in coversation with a friend we realized that most of our systems are competitive. At the same time I read a post from Rob about competition and viewed the YouTube he sent regarding REconomics in Totnes that is beyond competition. I want to emphasize this common ground of language. Is this not the by-product of a common brain wave and thus global brain?
At the Project Learning Tree training (educational cirriculum for K-8 grades by Mark Watrin) I received a handout called Systems Thinking Guides. It has great diagrams with a circle in the middle and uses arrows to indicate matter and energy as inputs and outputs. The diagram evolves by grade level. It is fascinating! I also received a large book about environmental activities for children K-12! My inner child is happy!
"A system is a group of interrelated parts through which matter, energy or information flow." [I would add inspiration.]
I like to organize parts that are alive and moving and when they are not I move on to find those energetic parts. Transition Woodinville, Transition Snoqualmie Valley and Sustainable Redmond have experienced similar cycles of development. The first couple of years were charged and dynamic and then the energy changed as people's live and relationships changed. This reminds me of the honeymoon phase of relationship as something proves itself out over time. It's not about failure or success..rather it's about an organic process playing out. I find myself reaching out to other groups now and organizing anew in the name of Transition. Why? Because I am loyal to relationships that are developing and evolving -- healthy!
My thinking brain is new! I am noticing that I want to attend more classes/trainings on topics other than spiritual and that I can digest book reading more easily. I also feel some new confidence about remembering details/numbers. !!! My thinking brain is grounding!
I saw that man that I am so attracted to recently. There was a moment when my body winked at him! I was shocked that "she" did this but it felt very natural. Later (in public!) I reached out with affection and touched his face and said some words of appreciation. It was spontaneous and in the moment. I had felt an energy and let my sytem of mind, heart, body create and express these by-products. Every time I think about my actions I chuckle! I experienced a new "resilience." I mentioned to a friend how this connection was becoming more resilient and he asked if I meant "resonant." I felt for the answer: No. Resonance has to do with subtle energy whereas resilence has more to do with gross energy through matter. At least this is how it feels to me...this is my experience. So my inner systems were playing out a new song that celebrates the development of external friendship.
We use the word "brain" a lot. What does that mean? Does it include heart of intuition? Does it include systems? I think a more inclusive and accurate term for the "brain" that witnesses and holds energy and matter is GAIA.
The other day I experienced a competitive game and saw how unnatural it feels when someone wins and another one loses. And then in coversation with a friend we realized that most of our systems are competitive. At the same time I read a post from Rob about competition and viewed the YouTube he sent regarding REconomics in Totnes that is beyond competition. I want to emphasize this common ground of language. Is this not the by-product of a common brain wave and thus global brain?
At the Project Learning Tree training (educational cirriculum for K-8 grades by Mark Watrin) I received a handout called Systems Thinking Guides. It has great diagrams with a circle in the middle and uses arrows to indicate matter and energy as inputs and outputs. The diagram evolves by grade level. It is fascinating! I also received a large book about environmental activities for children K-12! My inner child is happy!
"A system is a group of interrelated parts through which matter, energy or information flow." [I would add inspiration.]
I like to organize parts that are alive and moving and when they are not I move on to find those energetic parts. Transition Woodinville, Transition Snoqualmie Valley and Sustainable Redmond have experienced similar cycles of development. The first couple of years were charged and dynamic and then the energy changed as people's live and relationships changed. This reminds me of the honeymoon phase of relationship as something proves itself out over time. It's not about failure or success..rather it's about an organic process playing out. I find myself reaching out to other groups now and organizing anew in the name of Transition. Why? Because I am loyal to relationships that are developing and evolving -- healthy!
My thinking brain is new! I am noticing that I want to attend more classes/trainings on topics other than spiritual and that I can digest book reading more easily. I also feel some new confidence about remembering details/numbers. !!! My thinking brain is grounding!
I saw that man that I am so attracted to recently. There was a moment when my body winked at him! I was shocked that "she" did this but it felt very natural. Later (in public!) I reached out with affection and touched his face and said some words of appreciation. It was spontaneous and in the moment. I had felt an energy and let my sytem of mind, heart, body create and express these by-products. Every time I think about my actions I chuckle! I experienced a new "resilience." I mentioned to a friend how this connection was becoming more resilient and he asked if I meant "resonant." I felt for the answer: No. Resonance has to do with subtle energy whereas resilence has more to do with gross energy through matter. At least this is how it feels to me...this is my experience. So my inner systems were playing out a new song that celebrates the development of external friendship.
We use the word "brain" a lot. What does that mean? Does it include heart of intuition? Does it include systems? I think a more inclusive and accurate term for the "brain" that witnesses and holds energy and matter is GAIA.
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