
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gaia Reality

The first day at Jean's salon I noticed myself saying "thank you" a lot as I was filled with gratitude by the new faces, voices and gifts of people around me.  "Is this gratitude expression an archetype?" I asked Peggy Rubin.  She suggested Aphrodite.  During one of our sessions I heard myself say, "The element water is our friend."  An odd sort of comment I thought and wondered who said that...nature spirit or even Gaia?  In yet another session I saw someone roll their eyes as my emotion lit me up and I spoke...again.  Was I talking too much I wondered asking my new friend?  Emotion ran high for me in Jean's salon circles and as Gregg Braden points out in Speaking the Lost Language of God it is emotion that charges our thoughts and our body.  The bolt of Lightning that busted through is like a ladder (descension and ascension) on which angels, deities, archetypes, nature spirits move.  What role does emotion play in relationship to this ladder? 

Kundalini current runs downstream from high vibtational frequency to low.  This is natural law and order. 

Interesting how our bodies inform us of who we are.  As we listen and watch we can feel harmony or not and then we have the choice to adjust or not.  What is it that we are adjusting to?  What vibration?  Low vibration running energy of greed and lust or high vibration of a giving heart and soul?  What do those different vibrational frequencies look like?  Who are the archetypes behind them?

What does Gaia look like, sound like, feel like through resilience of human heart and soul expression?  We get to discover as we create this new reality for one and for all.


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