
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Personal and Global Myth = Gaia

I was delighted to learn that "psyche" is an ancient Greek word meaning "butterfly!"  This process of experiencing first and then learning the details in linear reality adds enchantment to my world.  Emotion is experienced before thought.  And as Gregg Braden says in Speaking the Lost Language of God thought has no power without emotion!

I had a dream about Rob Hopkins last night.  We were at a conference and kept running into each other.  At one point he asked if I had his address.  So I emailed him the specifics of my Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience workshop that is being born. Edgar Cayce's book says a lot about people listening and not listening to their dreams.  This dream was specific!

One of the first statements that Jean made in her Salon referred to "the joy that spins the universe."  I was home!  And the first thing we did was listen to Inger Jorgensen sing Amazing Grace.  As she sang a current of energy ran through me and I had to open my hands to let it move.  Peggy Rubin then lead us through a powerful Deity visualization:  I AM spiral; Lightning bolt hits me and I am shaken to my core almost knocked off my chair and again I open my hands to let the current move; Diety is above the current in white marble.  I drew this picture.

When I returned home this photo was also on world news.  It confirms that Personal and Global Myth of Gaia is cracking open in the psyche and manifesting in form.


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