
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mythic Journey and Birth

Driving South of Eugene, Oregon the thought crossed my mind that my trip to Ashland and Dr. Jean Houston's Salon was quiet, uneventful without any "ah-has."  I had been observing the white whispy clouds in the South and the hills in the East with billowing clouds of their own and I was listening to Dana's song Magic.  In a flash I got that the clouds were angel wings and the hills dragon lines. A wave of emotion overtakes me (it didn't just rise up!) and I am sobbing!  So much emotion!  So much passion!

I remembered years ago standing in my kitchen in the dark listening to Dana's music for the first time.  His song Half a Planet Away and Drop of Water moved me to tears...the same sort of deep sobbing that I was now experiencing.  I now see that Muse introduction and experience as Eros' arrow piercing my soul.  This helps me understand the connection I have felt with Dana over the years.  I shared this story with Dana this week on the eve of Valentine's day as we talked on the phone...he in Hawaii and I here in the NorthWest.  My sharing was my own arrow of Eros but no longer in the dark and no longer about two people.  This arrow arced around Gaia embracing Her.  It was quite a shift that I was able to speak the words to him, to tell him the story.  Why is it easier now?  I think it has to do with being aware of androgeny and practicing celibacy.  The subdued fire has allowed me to experience new parts of myself.  It's as if I have been by-passing an old circuit and exploring new territory.

I have experienced affection with men without giving in to their sense of sexual entitlement just because I was spending time with them.  I have experienced affection with men simply because it is a natural and healthy emotion.  One morning I remembered being 5 years old, sucking my thumb and rubbing my "silkee" on my nose and how that was a sensual/sexual experience.  It was as real as if I was that 5-year-old!  By experiencing celibacy I have integrated some new parts of myself because I have not followed the usual pattern and circuitry.

On the trip to Ashland I also listened to Gregg Braden's Speaking the Lost Language of God.  Tape 3 really speaks to me and I want to share it with my family.  It's about the different kinds of prayer, the sacred temples of North America and the Emotional Body!  Yay!  This outreach to my family is exactly what Yoganandi was talking about:  "You will serve others!"

A myth workshop was born this past cycle of darkness (overnight).  I will share more of that later.  I have shared it with Dana because his music is a creative/artistic component.  Here is another manifestation of serving others.  I am very happy about these developments!


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