
Monday, January 28, 2013


Sexual FIRE is one spark in a whole system of spark plugs.  Re-wiring, re-charging, re-connecting the parts brings new FIRE in the whole.  New sexuality is an expanded, unified and vibrant force field.  He called and wanted to know if I wanted to get together.  What do I say to a man who is alcoholic and interested in sex more than friendship.  What degree of honesty do I use?  Am I straight out honest or do I water it down?  This communication is new to me.  I am scheduling time with the woman I unfriended on facebook.  She will be easier to talk with.
Edgar Cayce’s Source talks about astrology of soul and how each [spark] spends time in the different planetary influences.  The Source talks about reincarnation and karma.  This bigger picture makes me realize that my strengths and weaknesses are caused by past events/effects.  This bigger picture reminds me that people I am in drama with (both positive and negative) have been with me before.  Where there has been and is negativity I can change history!  Where there is positivity I can add to it!  (Edgar Cayce’s Source informed him that he was living his seventh life and those around him living their third and fourth.)
I am female and emotional.  I don’t want a monotone or monochrome life.  I have a rainbow of feelings and expressions.  Others teach me what works to sustain healthy and harmonious relationship.  I teach others the same.  This is a dynamic process that only Loving Intelligence can design as spiraling and upward. 
It’s a good day when I can be outside with garden fork in hand.  The other day I cleaned the chicken coop.  As I was scraping the layer of manure from the cement floor I asked, “Do the chickens even care about a clean floor?”  The reply: “The chickens and Universe appreciate your labor of love.”

Our Mother
Who art of Earth
Sacred be thy name
Thy Nature come
Thy Grace be done
In Heaven
As it is in Earth


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