
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Evolutionary Puzzle

When another piece of our evolutionary puzzle comes into view all things are made new.  The transformation is across the board so to speak as one sees a larger picture with new vision.  One doesn't have to go back in time to fix anything or anyone...especially oneself.  How intelligent is that?  Very.

I am meeting a woman I cut out of my life/fled from and may call another to ask for the same sort of meeting.  I am not interested in debating who is/was right or wrong or who said what/when.  I am simply interested in starting anew.  Why?  Because I am new as is the whole field.  How resilient are the parts to let this move through the whole?

Someone said that I could tell them how I do Shamanism.  My response was quick, without thought:  "I don't do Shamanism.  Shamanism does me."  Is this also true of imagination in that I don't use my imagination; my imgaginatin uses me.  Our bodies are the flowers and trees through which energy flows.

I am having a new experience as I relate to Dr. Jean Houston.  I don't know how to describe it other than the experience feels like manna from Heaven.  She seems to fill in spaces that have been vacant or maybe stitching together seams that have been separate.  Quite a nourishing adventure!


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