
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dear Salon MythMakers of February 2013,

I was fired up with emotion the last day of our Salon in Ashland.  So much had cracked open!  I am now seeing us as a galaxy with Jean as Sun and we as planets revolving.  I am interested in hearing your personal celestial songs and stories and continue to be interested in developing a container to hold us.  I had mentioned a book and Gloria mentioned a blog which does seem most practical!

Here are the themes that came through for me regarding "cracking open a new myth."  I'm sure some of you have other themes from our time together.

I Am / We Are ~ Orchestrating
From Brainwashing to TruthTelling
Voice of Gaia ~ Nature Spirits, Community, Global Brain
One Whole Me ~ Male/Female charge, One current/circuit
Fragmentation to Wholeness ~ Whole & Happy
A New Politico ~ Transition Towns, Cultural Creatives
Shadow's Light ~ Light's Shadow, Fear Not!

I welcome your thoughts about continuing our Salon "circle" with a blog and any themes that resonate with you.

With gratitude,


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