
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Alchemy in Action

I am working to keep up internally and externally with all the new combustion and acceleration.
I am noticing a pattern, a by-product, of energy + matter.
[Been thinking that a circle/orb is created by the tension interplay of energy + matter and that the two create a spin and thus combustion = new acceleration. I don't know all the scientific names in play here...I do know this pattern through sensation and intuitive experience.]

At the end of Jean Houston's Salon circle I was overflowing with emotion/fire/heat and wanted to create something to move this energy into the future.  I suggested an idea and put it out there receiving one response.  Is this emotional process like flowing lava that changes when it cools down?  At the Transition Gaia circle several ideas came up regarding how to push this energetic momentum into future work and forms. Days later those ideas have cooled.

What is this pattern?  What lesson does it hold?  I see that in circles which hold combustion and acceleration I want to contain, hold, mold like clay. Others don't have the same emotional heat and fire and I cannot create something in a void.  So, what new response can I have when I am in combustion circles?  How do I convey my overflowing feelings of fire, of love?  Do I breathe deeper and speak less?

At the Project Learning Tree training I met two women educators who I followed up with regarding teaching opportunities for Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story classes.  This circle did not hold the same fire as the other two circles.  The temperature was more balanced as was my emotion. One of the women responded sending information about a grant opportunity for storytelling and invited me to participate in a Stillaguamish Tribe activity.  Interesting how this circle manifested something solid with less fire and heat from me. 

What am I learning here about myself?  Am I learning how to ground emotionally by using my four forces of water, air, earth and fire?  Am I learning about my personal alchemy?

I thought there was a shift:  I was organizing less and teaching more but I find myself organizing two library talks about Coal Free PSE.  Talks that include participants from several cities.  I like this weaving of's fun and natural and a good outlet for my e-motion.  E-motion I now get to manage anew because I see it anew. I stay tuned....


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