
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Celtic Knot Serpent - Alive and Moving!

In the space between dark and light I saw a moving/flowing Serpent in a Celtic Knot (black with yellow stripe) exactly in the middle of my "looking glass."  Soon after a grabbing hand shot up from the SouthEast.  I didn't understand the meanings so I radiated Light.  This morning after a stressful dream I awoke and knew the meaning.  There are human forces trying to destroy the Sacred Feminine and keep it suppressed such as the Catholic Church.  No women priests!  Why the fear?  Why the control?  Why the resistance to Her nurturing qualities?

Being of "service" means stepping into hostile and chaotic situations and being a grounding rod for peace and understanding. It is also an opportunity to speak Truth.  Somedays I do this better than others.  When I create the space to talk to myself about my response I am better able to handle the situation.  As I  work with  my client I know that if I can turn some of his attitudes around there will be new karma for him and his family.  I talk with him about gratitude daily now instead of reacting to his angry outbursts.  I also see that if I simply say "Stop" he stops his rants.  I guess his wife used to say that to him when she was alive.  "Serving" goes to new depths.

Celtic Knot Definition:
The Celtic knot symbol is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The more esoteric or spiritual meaning of this symbol eludes to beginnings and endings. Celtic knots have no beginning or end, reminding of the timeless nature of our spirit. This translation hearkens to our most primal selves as we contemplate the infinite cycles of birth and rebirth in both physical and ethereal realms.


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