Sweet Infinity
Global brain...Gaia brain...my brain...your brain...our brain
Shifting brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma.
Resurrection's circle of life Beta to Gamma
[I can feel energy shift at the top of my head when I do art or drum which is why I want to teach storytelling mandala art. Artistic expression of right feminine brain shifts brain waves.]
Is the top of one's head the "brain"
Or is the whole body with all its systems the brain?
Maybe the brain is the logical driving engine
The systems its emotional expressions
[Think meridian lines, chakra lines, ley lines -- all lines of life force subtle to gross and gross to subtle.]
And none are in competition -- in a healthy/intelligent system
[I attended a training with Project Learning Tree recently and we did a competitive game. A young woman was standing next to me and we were to stand in one place while picking up colored chips on the ground. As I was bending over to pick up chips she swooped her arm and took them all. I was appalled! I didn't even have this pattern in my brain-body. A pattern of winning while others lose. I was sad for her. A friend and I had a lengthy talk about competition and how every system is based on this way of relating. It's not a natural or sustainable way of thinking, feeling, acting. We need to create games and systems that are cooperative and non-competitive. My friend thought that people would not try to excel. I think competition is centered in ego and separation. Cooperation is centered in one brain-body. As humans evolve in intelligence we will create new ways and systems to play, work and create.]
Two men from my recent workshop asked when I would have another one. That is the best evaluation yet! Looking forward to seeing/hearing Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer and others later this month though I am not eager to sit and listen to talk, talk, talk for two days. However, I want to stay connected with friends who are on the same wave length and contributing to new Gaia intelligence.
He said "everything is energy." I asked him not to negate matter whcih led to an intense discussion. I am surprised how well he listens to me through my emotional tides that often interrupt him mid-sentence. The experience reminded me of love-making using different body parts. This is the nice thing about being celebate right now...I see love-making in new ways. Which reminds me....the English language is very limited and I am not finding the words to describe my experiences.
From an article in my files that I ran across last night while watching The Voice:
Matter, which vibrates at a very slow frequency, is referred to as physical matter. That which vibrates at speeds exceeding light velicity is known as subtle matter. Subtle matter is as real as dense matter; [does that not mean that dense matter is as real as subtle matter?] its vibratory rate is simply faster. It is believed that two opposite ends of the spectrum--yin, the energy of earth and yang, the energy of heaven--combined with humans to create this vital force.
[Subtle force needs matter to reflect itself; Matter needs subtle force to do the same. One feeding the other in sweet infinity.]
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