
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Transition Gaia & Easter

An incredibly resilient (seeing bouyant orb) Transition Gaia circle last night at the Redmond Library.  The "Circle" had been speaking to me for days letting me know that "She" wanted a role at this workshop.  So, I took my books on myth and magic, mandala art, Circle of Life mapping book, musical instruments to use for a gratitude circle and music by Dana Lyons and Narayan & Janet.  I let Her speak through me and the group followed.  It was creatively expressive and when individuals hit unfamiliar territory they practiced resilience!

What makes an event successful?  Perhaps when something new is born as a result.  Thanks to a friend's suggestion I will probably start a more public blog. (Trish Tides?) Someone in the group suggested we stay connected and do more artistic projects so I am inspired to energize my Community Threads non-profit.

Time will tell the direction this takes and the "ground it breathes"....that doesn't make sense logically but the words came up so I honor "Her...that deep dark unconscious intelligence that rises up/resurrects to meet consciousness.  Easter is here!


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