Diamond Back
I am queen of multi-tasking. Today I burned a pan of food on Burnie's stove...again! I fill in my day with tasks so I won't have to do them tomorrow and when tomorrow arrives more tasks have filled in. It's a never ending tread mill and I'm tired of it! Where did I learn this pattern anyway? No doubt from the mainstream brain wave of achievement oriented humans. The frenzy contributes to my food binges and cravings causing inflammation in my body. Enough already! Last week I stopped in the midst of stress to meditate. I don't meditate or drum regularly. I guess I have preferred spontaneity over routine. However, my routine is not harmonious so I am going to change my pattern, my brainwave!
The musical spectrum from previous post was a triangulation image and it was circular. This diamond pattern is triangulation in pattern and also circular. The "tree cookies" that show the life of a tree are circular so there is triangulation there as well. I thought, "What would Gregg Braden say about sound spectrum and tree circles?" He would say, "Matter + energy = vibration and vibration is sound."
Without matter there is no sound! So, please don't tell me matter and its triangulation of time is an illusion. Please don't dissect my parts into nothingness like you do my ancient fluids that hold and protect me internally.
When I sat to meditate the top of my head immediately shape shifted as it does when I drum. I associate this with brainwaves. Colors and images flooded in. I was sitting in a radiant green triangular diamond. My shoulders/wing chakra was the E/W strut reminding me of a kite. My head was the apex my torso the antapex. I sensed that the diamond pattern continued South and North. I drew this diamond chain and marked the E/W points as male and female.
At first I thought I was drawing diamonds surrounded by circles and associated with chakras but later got that this is the two-serpent coil cadaceus.

The musical spectrum from previous post was a triangulation image and it was circular. This diamond pattern is triangulation in pattern and also circular. The "tree cookies" that show the life of a tree are circular so there is triangulation there as well. I thought, "What would Gregg Braden say about sound spectrum and tree circles?" He would say, "Matter + energy = vibration and vibration is sound."
Without matter there is no sound! So, please don't tell me matter and its triangulation of time is an illusion. Please don't dissect my parts into nothingness like you do my ancient fluids that hold and protect me internally.
A diamond is two parts (upper masculine + and lower feminine -) one reflecting the other.
The human earth body and Gaia holds energy in a circular field with triangulation lines of force. Here is the key to creating solar energy...we are solar energy crystals and we can duplicate this pattern for a larger whole.
Energy is Love ~ Matter is Life ~ and humans in solid/gross form have the opportunity to express both! What a sacred responsibility!
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