
Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Day on Earth

Dream:  large yellow pipes are on the ground.  I am to fill them and put them underground.  I wonder how that is possible when they are so large and heavy (reminds me of stuffing manicotti! reminding me of Jean Houston) 

Sometime last night I was looking into "space" without intention.  I was simply being/simply seeing.  (I never ask for visions or insights.)  In a flash a circle appears with deep black center and black background.  The circle has two rings:  white and purple both radiating with wavy motion.  (ha..e-motion!) 

This morning I awoke to a screen of objects that were not placed there by "spirit."  In other words it felt like someone was testing me (triangulation) and therefore this was not a pure field.  I detect the quality of energetic substance and presence by it's "emotion."  Yes, energy + matter radiates/communicates e-motion. Does that mean that emotion is vibration and sound?  Makes sense to me!

The circle of black is pure because it rose up out of unconscious.  I was not achieving...I was being and in so being received this gift of sighting.  And I never ask questions.  I simply receive to see again.

I had to get out my wrist brace to help my hand.heal.  It feels good, supportive and definitely slows me down.  I discover 'zen" time that is a different pace than my normal driven routine.  Isn't it interesting how zen time is more time--it's more full?  How does that happen? It has everything to do with substance and being present in earth body that is connected to energetic body.  Earth body is not meant to get ahead of energetic body...and I am learning about how to reign myself in.  (I know I've posted this before...hopefully this time around I've learned more!)

Letting go of comfort foods and slowing down put me into a different zone yesterday and memories of dad and childhood came up along with emotional sobs.  Is this the pain that I try to cover up with emotional eating and moving so fast?  I was not molested or mis-treated by dad or mom.  They were good people and parents.  Yesterday I remembered the thread of dark depression that would come over me.  It's a thread that used to come in with regular cycles of depression....oh my gosh! I'm now getting the feeling of candy comforting me.  I am seldom depressed in the same way.  I do have feelings of being alone in a realm that I don't feel at home in.  And I am!  Learning so very many lessons!

I have a new gardener who double digged her 1/4 plot of the circle garden.  Someone said that double digging is not good for the soil.  What mind set is it that is opinionated?  What other mind set is it that is inclusive embracing many ways of working the soil, the land?  What different brain waves are at play here?  Does the soil really care the technique used by human hands?  Where's the substance of connection emotionally?  When that substance is present with soil it will also be present with another person and vice versa.  When that substance is present there is less ego and more spiritual connection.  Self-righteous and arrogant attitudes are found in every system because that brain wave is very narrow in scope.  We are moving into a new zone and new scope of view!

Imaging (verb) -- More than Imagination (noun)


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