Radiation, Attraction, Response, Union, Unified Radiation
I want to make it loud and clear, like the trumpet sound in the book of Revelations, that I could not have this core diamond experience nor solar triangulation without an inner and outer masculine charge. It's this charge that is the input to my output, and the output to my input. (Doesn't sound very romantic but we are talking sacred geometry here...who ever thought of that as romantic?) I am aware of another relationship that is lunar and closer to home. This triangulated relationship has a different purpose and dance that is watery and emotional.
There are many factors that determine a diamond's brilliance, the most important of which is its ability to reflect light. As a diamond is moved through a light source, tiny flashes will be visible within the stone. Commonly known as sparkle, this is also referred to as scintillation, an effect of the stone's reflection and refraction of light.
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