
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Manipulation as Triangular

My energetic core is intact again and now I have to be deliberate about slowing down.  When I feel great I think the more I do the better...I am taking a

I attended another women's circle last night.  Once again I had hallucinations and could not sleep.  The only homemade food I ate there was a kale salad so I asked my friend the ingredients.  Her comment was, "I wonder if you are aligning with a different "plane" after gathering with sisters , like a rising....?"  I am aware that we are not closing our circle and perhaps I am bringing home some energetic entities.  I will discuss this with a couple of circle sisters.

This morning I was calmly sipping my green drink and watching the robins in the white blossomed tree.  I was thinking about manipulation and voila!  I got that it is a triangulation pattern.  There is someone in my orbit who is manipulative and makes subltle comments that are suggestive.  This language/behavior causes me to shut down...I don't trust this person!  I asked myself, "Am I manipulative?"  I don't think feelings are straight forward and I don't play games that have unspoken undercurrents or toxicity in between the lines.  I will continue to watch myself for this pattern however.

So, triangulation can be light and dark.   The difference is one is ego-mind centered and the other is heart-mind centered.  (The dark triangle pattern goes like this:  I + You = ego strokes that are not part of a larger whole. This electromagnetic chain of (+) and (-) is weak and breaks down over time.)

Friends were telling me about another cruise they are taking to Alaska.  I thought that I'd like to go sometime.  And guess what?  A HayHouse event is announced today....a 7-night cruise to Alaska this fall and it is very reasonable in price.  I'm going to Alaska!  I just have to decide if I want the Angel program or the Past-Life regression.  How does one decide?

I want to pick nettles today...and then Jean Houstons online event.  Am I doing too much?  I am checking in.


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