
Friday, April 19, 2013

Thank You, Rob Hopkins

A quick shout out of thanks to Rob Hopkins for the excellent Live Webinar with Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone yesterday.  I was able to stay with this online experience (the three speakers were shown on screen and the participants had the opportunity to ask questions so it was interractive) without getting drained of energy.  I recently discovered that I cannot participate in online courses because they are too impersonal...the same feeling I now have regarding telepathic relationships. 

Rob is very thoughtful in his work and has a kind spirit.  I sensed a soft angelic aura around him and in his eyes.  Just doubt a kindred is Joanna and Chris!  It's so fun when we meet face to face and voice to voice...light expands radiating "transition" (evolution) on our beloved planet and...I'm actually feeling, thinking, saying this...beloved people!  That's a significant shift for me! Maybe people are turning "green" just like the trees and plants I so love.


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