
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bouncing Light

Wayne Dyer posted a section from Bruce Lipton's book The Honeymoon Effect in a Hay House email.  It looks like an excellent book.  I am copying a couple of the paragraphs:

What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical. Instead, everything in this Universe is made out of immaterial energy, and everything radiates energy. It is a given fact of science that every atom and every molecule both radiates and absorbs light (energy). Because all organisms are made out of atoms and molecules, you and I and every living thing are radiating energy (“vibes”).

But, you protest, doesn’t the fact that you regularly stand on a stage and lecture about The Honeymoon Effect without falling through the stage demonstrate that you’re a physical being and that the stage you don’t fall through is a material substance?

No and no! On stage, I’m standing on whirling vortices of energy, which is why I don’t fall through. And when you look at me, the fact that you see a physical being is only an illusion. I don’t have any physical structure—what you’re seeing are photons of light bouncing off me!

My question is:  who/what is "me."  If there was no me there would be nothing for light to bounce off of.  Could we not include dark matter in the energy spectrum? 

I am photons of light bouncing off you.  Who/what are you?


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