
Friday, April 26, 2013

I Can Do It! Vancouver / Aboriginal Healing

I awoke a couple of times in the night and noticed that I was floating and grounding.  I awoke another time and noticed that I was smiling.  That was a very strange sensation as usually when I awake I am focused in my brain in that "seeing" circle.  It was as if the eye that I see with arced downward and associated with my mouth.  Strange!  There's something new behind this.

I Can Do It! Vancouver was a blast!  It was both uplifting and grounding!  What is this new line that moves from center?  My immediate answer is that it has to do with a new system of heart energy.

I sat in the balcony to hear Wayne Dyer as I was too late to get a good seat.  He is always inspiring and I appreciate his inclusion of stories and music.  At the end of his talk when he invited us to stand, hold hands and sway to the music I looked below me and saw a multitude of cells filled in with various colors.  The swaying gave the impression of a living hive.  So fun!  I have several things to communicate to Wayne in response to his talk.  How to find this man?  I emailed the usual "info@".... 

I thought I was in a crowd of non-activists.  But when Doreen Virtue asked the audience to name the issues they care about I saw that was not the case.  And whenever a speaker would mention a local/global issue I could hear a murmur from the crowd and feel an undercurrent of passion waiting to be released.  This Hay House crowd cares about healing the planet as welll as themselves!

Ever since I connected energetically with Caroline Myss at the Sacred Activism event in Lynnwood, WA I have had a softness of heart toward her.  This really shined in Vancouver.  I emailed Caroline as I had a response to her comment "this world is an illusion" these exact words I just now find in my notes.

Gregg Braden included the word "resilience" in his talk.  He has a different angle on the word than what I am familiar with in Transition.  As I emailed him there is no right or wrong definition of the word when we transcend that thinking mind that is opinionated and critical...that wavelength that separates.  I have further correpsondence for Gregg and did find his office address. 

There was only one time that I felt overwhelmed by all the talk, talk, talk.  During Eldon Taylor's talk I had to take a deep breath, shut out the noise and be still.  When I got centered and started to listen again I was amazed at his excellent information about self-hypnosis and subliminal technology. 

I heard speaker use the word "God" but I didn't hear "Goddess."  Twice I heard "this world of matter is an illusion."  Next year in Vancouver I hope to hear "this world of matter is sacred."  I saw the film Chasing Ice presented by the Sierra Club.  It powerfully shows time lapse photography of melting glaciers all over the world.  Yes, this world of matter is an illusion as the planet disintegrates before our eyes at the hands of humans.  Humans are proving this to be so!  We've got to change this language and the story behind it!  Matter is vibration, matter is light, matter is love.  Matter is part of an energy spectrum.  How do I know?  Because I Am...Matter as well as Light! 

I see it as a circle:  Light/dark, super-conscious, conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious and Dark;light connecting as two opposite poles of electromagnetism without which there is not life.  Right?

I am in a grounding phase. It's a new system! Communicaiton with output and input is critical.  I'm thinking that I may be blogging less since it is such a one way street.  Here are pictures of the Aboriginal Healing Lodge where I stayed...5 blocks away from Queen Elizabeth Theatre.  To my surprise I could walk out my balcony and touch this totem pole.  I didn't plan this but the Vaancouver outcome was that I was cradled in the arms of aboriginal totem poles much in the same way I feel cradled here in Pacific Cascadia with the Olympic Mountains in the West and the Cascade Mountains in the East.  Such a blessing...I lift up gratitude!


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