
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Core Seeing

I remembered:  The other night when I was floating and grounding at the same time I was sensing/seeing a reed with holes that were breathing.  I thought of an Irish whistle because of its simplicity. As I write this I see the reed as my personal core…and now as I write I see this as Gaia core.
I was very happy to receive an email from Gregg Braden’s office informing me of his correct address.  Tomorrow I will send my letter snail mail from Washington to Florida.  This diagonal line is significant and does bring up a sensation and image.  What does it bring up for others who stop to go within, look and listen?  This inner seeing/knowing is the work of Earth Angels connected with the deep unconscious as well as the deep ecology of Gaia. This Goddess seeing Eye generates the extension of energetic “ley” lines that assist higher vibrations and beings in the grounded healing of Gaia.
At my Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience workshop there was one man who could not be spontaneous and go within to listen, see and communicate in return.  Though this process was new to a few others they made the attempt.  This inner line of communication is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. Our “civilized” world has been brainwashed into thinking only one way and that is to receive information from outside in.  This is why we need to turn to our aboriginal brothers and sisters for assistance in healing as one whole brain/body.
At Native Indian Lobby Day at our state capital my Native Indian friend, Paul Wagner, spoke directly of this inner seeing/hearing and gave thanks as it happened for him.  Robert and Liz Satiacum do the same.  This native/aboriginal way of knowing and its lines of language hold a solid foundation on which all of us can stand.  This way is spacious and whole…and yes, holy.

I just got a hit like a flash of lightning. I think I witnessed my logic and intuition meeting in the middle! This is what they say:   we create a new language in synch with Gaia.  It’s a new rhythm and sound…new vibration! 
A wave of completeness envelops me reminding me of the energy in the room when I first met ArchAngel Michael.  I feel this energetic connection like a wispy cloud around my head…thank you.  This wispy spiritual substance increasingly wraps around Beloved Gaia grounding and uplifting Her peoples.


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