
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Flying Dream

I wasn't going to blog...I think I'm on some sort of vacation.  I feel like a kid again with few responsibilities...little pressure.  I'm really enjoying this space.  I remembered my first meditation when I was little standing on a stool at the kitchen sink washing glass milk containers.  I would stare with deep interest as the bubbles would rise up from the mouth of the glass.  And as I was preparing my client's meal on his plate and caring about the "presentation" mom came into consciousness.  She was a dietician and a great cook.  She approved!

I wasn't going to blog but just now I read Gregg Braden's post on FB about The Isaiah Effect and his reference to "seal" which reminded me of the dream I had typed a couple of days ago:

Flying Dream

I was at a social event and suddenly flew away. I was in a narrow passageway and walking through it until I saw a wooden stairway to my left leading upward.  I was close to someone's personal space so I left...not out of fear but out of respect.  At the exit were two dogs squirmishing.  As I left one of the dogs placed a door stopper on the ground at the exit door.  It is interesting that I didn't use an entry point to get into the passageway....I just magic! Thinking about it this morning the word "seal" comes in.  Thanks to the dogs this passageway is no longer sealed.  Thanks to these beings I am now free to pass.  Also interesting is that I didn't get lost at any point in the dream. Hooray!

I wonder if those moments when my brain "washes out" are like flying dreams and that there is something more I can be doing in these "blank" spaces.  Maybe if I stop being self-conscious (when I am around others) or busy (when I am alone) I can learn something new.


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