
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Red Chakra

I'm going through files from 2008 to gather writings for my book.  I came across an article about chakras.  This root chakra definition reminds me that I've been feeling the most content I've ever my entire life.  It's a feeling of freedom and space.  I now have more time for solitude and being with friends and family.  I am, however, participating in the Sierra Club which has a lot of masculine and action oriented energy.  We have a "visibility" event May 30 that will get media attention.  I have not done this kind of action before other than the passive Peace Day parade events.  It will be another new experience which I seem to attract in my life.  Nothing stays the same!

1. Muladhara, the Root Chakra
The lowest of the seven chakras sits at the bottom of the pelvic floor, and it is called Muladhara, which means root support. Here sleeps the mighty kundalini energy in Her form as the serpent with the tail in its mouth. When this red chakra is over active there is too much focus on the physical. These people are too physical, too money minded and materialistic and deny the finer side of life. They have no compassion and can be violent. A balanced and healthy muladhara gives a firm sense of security, rootedness, unshakeable inner strength and the feeling of being comfortable and safe in the world. To have a healthy muladhar you need to conquer your fears, balance the material and spiritual sides of life and also keep your body fit and healthy. When awakened by yogic means this chakra gives great physical strength, incredible stamina, complete power over the body and robust health.


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