
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Write on!

I am writing every day now.  I enjoy organizing the parts and for me it's like gardening by putting a paragraph here and another paragraph there.  Jean Houston says writing for her is like cooking.

I spoke with Susan at Balboa Press in Indiana today.  A warm, friendly woman.  I informed her that my dad grew up in Goshen, Indiana and that my maiden name was Purdue.  Also that his lineage is Dunkard.  She said the Dunkards make the best pies.  Susan is as eager about my book as I am and invited me to share with her as she wants to work with me.  Gosh its such a gift to have someone to talk to about my life work...someone who gets it.  She agrees with me that Hay House and I are a good fit.

I have to make one investment at a time and the first one is the writing workshop cruise. I have much writing to do in the meantime.  I am staying positive that my job will be stable and that means my client stays healthy.  I have goals and that is so fun for me!


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