
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dream Cruise and Survival Class

I'm budgeting for a 2-week writing workshop cruise and taking classes on wilderness survival.  Talk about polar opposite lifestyles!  If we are watching and really seeing Gaia's patterns of weather and climate change we would all be taking wilderness survival classes!  She is giving us plenty of warning is she not?  I discovered I need to learn how to use a knife on wood...and get the right knife!  Basic skills and tools are going to be needed for our future lifestyles....sooner or later.  This is why Transition's guidance in creating local and resilient communities is intelligent and critical.

I continue to write my book based on the language of the sacred feminine.  I wrote this years ago:

It isn’t easy to write a book about the language of the Sacred Feminine. To talk about her is relating to Her as a separate object. It goes against Her spark of aliveness, current of spontaneity and flow in the moment. The only way I can share Her story is to tell how it weaves with my own.

And so my story book is non-linear and multi-dimensional as it weaves dreams, visions, poetry, stories and blogs.  Is this mix legal in the publishing world???

Writing is a very creative process.  When I have doubts, feel insecure or hit some other kind of wall I just keep writing and the knots work themselves out.  Order is starting to layout the many parts.


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