
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Red Rapture

My inner spiritual journey of 41-years has been a priority in my life and this has had an effect on my family and all of my relationships.  Something has shifted however.  I have decided that I prefer to send my grandson to day camp at Wolf College and take my family camping this summer instead of spending thousands of dollars on the writing workshop cruise.  I can't do these smaller activities when I am pinching dollars. This decision feels balanced, integrated and intelligent.  I will look for another writing workshop venue with Hay House that is closer to home and less expensive.

I am grateful to be focused on writing my story.  It's a very masculine process as I watch logic fill in the feminine sound bites.  I am amazed by the process that keeps taking me back to written sentences and paragraphs with additional language.  It's as if the feminine parts are being fertilized!

I was gobbling an organic strawberry the other day and a voice said, "When you eat this way you miss out on our work."  Who was/is this "red" voice?  At first I thought it was the strawberry deva but that red energy expanded into something an oversoul.  I remember being in a blue zone sometime back with Blue Ray Dragon.  Is this red dragon associated with Earth?  I think there is something about a red dragon in the biblical Revelations.  As this personal experience transpired so did a lunatic in London waving a machate with bloodied hands.  Shame on you CNN for giving that demonic energy so much time!  Shame on you CNN for not giving the slain soldier equal time at playing his drum!  Shame on mainstream media for feeding mass consciousness dark news!  Loving red negates the hateful red! 

I was respecting and talking to the black thick clouds in the sky yesterday.  They felt associated with "red".  Maybe "red" has to do with climate change.  "Red" is speaking and we listen which reminds me that I am writing a paragraph in my "rapture book" (that is the current title because after my fall I rose into rapture and have many poems to reflect that...some quite corny that no one will ever read) about being a cheerleader and wearing red every Friday for six school years...and that I never wore red again.  It looks  like red is wearing me, however.


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