
Monday, June 3, 2013


I was holding a sign with others on the I-90 floating bridge as cars and trucks drove by some honking in agreement: Coal Free PSE.  Early on an eagle soared above us...all the Sierra Club folks thought that too!  At one point I looked down below and saw logs, greenery, beach and water.  I noticed one log had a silver chain...strange.  Later I looked down again and I saw my spiral salamander who came to me in a dream years ago.  It wasn't as if s/he was on the ground below as an object.  Rather s/he was emanating through space...making a presence.  When this happened a second time I got that I needed another nudge to get the message.  When I asked what the message was I remembered that I had seen a dragon in this Lake Washington years ago.  What does that mean?  This lake is a vortex, a portal holding space.  When I drove over it again yesterday I saw Mt Siquak to the South and I knew Mt Baker was to the North...not sure the line.  I don't get much information from my other worldly friends and use my imagination (image seeing).  I am comforted by their presence and that is enough.

I was at a concert the other night and as I was listening to upbeat music I looked out into the forested back yard and was drawn to two deep and dark trees.  I found myself linking arms around their trunks and doing that swing:  grab the tree w right arm and turn right...grab the next tree w left arm, turn left.  I will ask my square dance friend what this is called.  This was my first dance with least in this form.

Attraction.  It's a confusing animal. When it happened the other night I enjoyed it because it brings out my femininity. There are very few men I am attracted to (I'm talking heart/soul attraction that is more than physcial) and vice versa so when heart strings pull it is a gift.  But then my mind wants to know what it means and if there is something more I need to do about the feelings and the connection. Life is much more simple without cupid!  I'm telling the little winged one to go away and let me be at peace with my garden, writing, etc.  Heart strings can get tangled...and I have been there and done that. 

Oh, another energetic "thing" happened.  I was reading my first copy of the Sierra Club magazine and this male energy blasted through.  I looked up from the mag and it was as if a man was standing there. I have no idea what that was about but I am noticing a lot of masculine energy in this club that I am associating with.  It's good for my inner male and my left brain!

Are my other-worldly enchantments more interesting and fun than this world of events?  I think it's what makes me feel like a misfit when I cannot share my experiences...I cannot cross them over here except on this blog.  I'm calls!


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